NEW Casada MEDIMAT Reviews
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NEW Casada MEDIMAT Feature
- Oscillation Massage in Combination with Shiatsu.
- Selectable massage areas (lumbar or upper back and neck area).
- Unique combination of shiatsu, rolling and oscillating vibration.
- Remote Control for your convenience.
- Can be used on every bed or directly on the floor.
MEDIMAT combines shiatsu massage with oscillation - a real innovation based on the experience of therapists and medical practitioners. With rolling and kneading movements, the professional masseur releases the tension, stiffness and deep-seated cramp in the back muscles. Here, the form of these movements is simulated perfectly by smoothing massage heads that rotate or roll. Aches diminish even after a few minutes, the deep tissue is relaxed, and a feeling of well-being returns. The low frequency vibrations of the powerful oscillation motors reach even deeper. Unlike conventional vibration devices, these motors are controlled by varying frequencies and therefore generate exceptionally long-wave vibrations. These stimulate the circulation and the lymphatic system. Many medical studies now demonstrate the huge potential of this therapy. Even after a relatively short duration of use, the body gains in tone and agility. Persistent tensions are completely resolved and prevented from reforming. A lasting improvement is made to the flexibility of the spine, noticeable successes appear even after the first use, and a healthy and relaxed condition results. Even after a short time, regular use produces a significant boost to well-being and aches are immediately soothed. Regular use of the MEDIMAT will actively prevent many everyday complaints. The demonstrably improved circulatory activity, particularly of the lymphatic system, keeps the tissue tight and the working distribution of body fluids ensures the supply of all the essential nutrients to the muscular system, bones and skin. Treat your body to the recovery phases that are so important - in a perfect form. Enjoy the pleasant feeling of doing something good, something right for your health.
Go tO Store Now !!
Nov 14, 2010 02:34:03
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